Een blauw grijze soepkom op een bijpassend bord. Hierin zit oranje tomatensoep met een room cirkel er om heen. In het midden een plukje groen.

Healthy tomato soup with tomato pesto

This recipe is delicious for lunch!

The olive oil ensures that the vitamins from the vegetables are better absorbed by your body.

What do you need:
4 tomatoes
1 red onion
2 garlic cloves
50 ml cream
pinch of ras el hanout
For the tomato pesto:
5 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
20 g ground parmesan
30 g pine nuts

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cut the tomatoes into small slices, then cut the onion and garlic cloves into slices and place this on the tomatoes in an oven dish. Season generously with salt and pepper and then pour olive oil over it. Bake the vegetables for 25 minutes.

For the pesto, put all the ingredients in a blender, season with salt and pepper and add a generous dash of olive oil . Mix until a thick paste. Place in a bowl for a moment.

Put the fried vegetables in a blender and add some boiled water until the vegetables are covered. Add the cream and a tablespoon of ras el hanout. Pour the soup over the bowls and place the tomato pesto in the middle.

Enjoy your meal!

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